full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Don't you know it? And so I feel like there's people in this room — you got those little Suavitos baking spices and you're just like, "You know, It's not that big a deal." "It's really not the whole world I can change." But you know, you can change your wolrd. You can change your life. You can change the world that you have control over, you can chgnae your sphere. I want to eonuracge you to do that. Because you know what? The future isn't a pcale that we're going to go. It's a place that you get to create.

Open Cloze

Don't you know it? And so I feel like there's people in this room — you got those little Suavitos baking spices and you're just like, "You know, It's not that big a deal." "It's really not the whole world I can change." But you know, you can change your _____. You can change your life. You can change the world that you have control over, you can ______ your sphere. I want to _________ you to do that. Because you know what? The future isn't a _____ that we're going to go. It's a place that you get to create.


  1. place
  2. change
  3. encourage
  4. world

Original Text

Don't you know it? And so I feel like there's people in this room — you got those little Suavitos baking spices and you're just like, "You know, It's not that big a deal." "It's really not the whole world I can change." But you know, you can change your world. You can change your life. You can change the world that you have control over, you can change your sphere. I want to encourage you to do that. Because you know what? The future isn't a place that we're going to go. It's a place that you get to create.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
heightened sense 4
suavitos baking 3
baking spices 2
story structure 2
likable hero 2
german dramatist 2
greatest communicators 2
iphone launch 2
tick mark 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
suavitos baking spices 2

Important Words

  1. baking
  2. big
  3. change
  4. control
  5. create
  6. deal
  7. encourage
  8. feel
  9. future
  10. life
  11. people
  12. place
  13. room
  14. sphere
  15. spices
  16. suavitos
  17. world